


London Gazette[編輯]

Issue 20184, page 37

Court at Windsor, January 4, 1843.[編輯]

AT the Court at Windsor, the 4th day of January 1843,


The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

WHEREAS by an Act of Parliament, made and passed in the session of Parliament holden in the third and fourth years of the reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled “An Act to regulate the trade to China and India,” it was, amongst other things, enacted, that it should and might be lawful for His said Majesty, by any such Order or Orders as to His said Majesty in Council should appear expedient and salutary, to create a court of justice, with criminal and Admiralty jurisdiction, for the trial of offences committed by His said Majesty's subjects within the dominions of the Emperor of China and the ports and havens thereof, and on the high seas within one hundred miles of the coast of China; and to appoint one of the superintendent, in the said Act mentioned, to be the officer to hold such court, and other officers for executing the process thereof:

And whereas, in pursuance of the said Act, and in execution of the powers thereby in His said late Majesty in Council in that behalf vested, it was by an Order, dated the ninth day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, ordered by His said late Majesty, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, that there should be a court of justice, with criminal and Admiralty jurisdiction, for the purposes aforesaid ; which court should be holden at Canton, in the said dominions, or on board any British ship or vessel in the port or harbour of Canton; and that the said court should be holden by the chief superintendent, for the time being, appointed, or to be appointed, by His said late Majesty under and in pursuance of the said Act of Parliament:

And whereas it is expedient, that the said court of justice should henceforth be holden in the island of Hong Kong; now, therefore, in further pursuance of the said Act, and of the powers thereby in Har Majesty in Council in that behalf vested, and of all other powers to Her Majesty belonging or in any wise appertaining, it is hereby ordered by Her Majesty, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, that the said court shall henceforth be holden in the island of Hong Kong; and that the same shall have and exercise jurisdiction for the trial of offences committed by Her Majesty's subjects within the said island and within the dominions of the Emperor of China, and the ports and havens thereof, and on the high seas within one hundred miles of the coast of China: and it is hereby further ordered, that the said court shall be holden by the chief superintendent, for the time being, appointed, or to be


Department of the Storekeeper General of the Navy, Somerset-Place, March 23, 1843.[編輯]


Issue 20208 Page 1034 Issue 20208 Page 1067-1068 Issue 20210 Page 1117 Issue 20211 Page 1156 Issue 20212 Page 1202

Department of the Storekeeper General of the Navy, Somerset-Place, March 23, 1843.

THE Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland do hereby give notice, that, on Tuesday the 11th April next, at one o'clock, they will be ready to treat with such persons as may be willing to contract for supplying and delivering

Into Store at Hong Kong, of such other port or ports in the China Seas as may be directed, 5500 tons of COALS, fit for Her Majesty's Steam Vessels.

The Coals to be sent out immediately.

The conditions of the contract and a form of the tender may be seen at the said Office.

No tender will be received after one o'clock on the day of treaty, nor any noticed unless the party attends, or an agent for him duly authorized in writing.

Every tender must be addressed to the Secretary of the Admiralty, and bear in the left hand corner the words, “Tender for Coals for China,” and must also be delivered at Somerset-place, accompanied by a letter, signed by two responsible persons, engaging to become bound with the person tendering, in the sum of £3000, for the due performance of the contract.

Downing-Street, April 5, 1843.[編輯]

Issue 20211 Page 1154

Downing-Street, April 5, 1843.

The Queen has been pleased to appoint Major-General Sir Henry Pottinger, Bart. K. G. C. B. to be Governor and Commander in Chief of the colony of Hong Kong.

Downing-Street, April 19, 1843.[編輯]

Issue 20215 Page 1311

Downing-Street, April 19, 1843.

The Queen has been pleased to appoint The Reverend Vincent John Stanton to be Chaplain of the colony of Hong Kong.