
Flame Imperishable


J. R. R. Tolkien's虚構 神話秘火 或叫做 唔熄嘅火,亦可能係Anor嘅火都指某樣神秘嘅力量。

秘火(the Secret Fire),或者叫火,唔滅嘅(the Flame Imperishable),似乎指Eru Ilúvatar嘅一方面,創造力量。開頭渠同 Ilúvatar 一齊。Melkor,為要 Ilúvatar 同等嘅力量,想揾渠,但揾唔到。呢樣欲望令 Melkor 反叛 Ilúvatar (有啲似Paradise Lost入面撒旦嘅墮落)。後來 Ilúvatar放咗支火(或者渠嘅一方面)入大地(en:Arda)嘅深心。

「咁 Ilúvatar實現咗渠地嘅想象,重擺渠響個虚度,重響個世界嘅心點着咗秘火,而叫渠做(大地?)。」(Therefore Ilúvatar gave to their vision Being, and set it amid the Void, and the Secret Fire was sent to burn at the heart of the World; and it was called .)
Valaquenta, The Silmarillion.

亦有話秘火係任何fëar嘅一部分:渠係令到有感覺嘅個體(sentient beings) 曉得獨立思想嘅恩賜。 無咗渠,造唔出新嘅個體。 講到OrcsFrodo解釋畀Sam聽:

「生渠地嘅陰暗剩係識得模仿,唔識整: 唔係真正實在嘅新嘢。」("The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own.")
The Return of the King VI 1: The Tower of Cirith Ungol

Gandalf the Grey referred to both the Secret Fire and the Flame of Anor when facing the Balrog at the Bridge of Khazad-dûm:

「你唔過得,」渠話。啲 orcs 企定響度,死寂。「我係秘火嘅侍者,揸住Anor嘅火。暗黑嘅火喺度幫你唔到,Udûn嘅火。你唔過得。」("You cannot pass," he said. The orcs stood still, and a dead silence fell. "I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. The dark fire will not avail you here, flame of Udûn. You cannot pass."
The Fellowship of the Ring II 5: The Bridge of Khazad-dûm.

Anor is a name for the Sun in the mythology, as well as a name for the True West (i.e. Valinor), while Udûn means Hell (specifically, Utumno, Melkor's original evil fortress and gathering place of his Balrogs). Further, some have speculated that Gandalf said "Flame of Anor" in reference to the fact that he wielded one of the Three Rings of Power, Narya. Thus it is uncertain if the Flame of Anor is identical to the Secret Fire, but both it and The Secret Fire identified Gandalf as a servant of the Valar. Flame of Anor may be a source of Gandalf's power to generate light and fire.

In the Return of the King video game, Gandalf states the Flame of Anor to be that of "hope".



  • J.R.R. Tolkien: Valaquenta, 響 Silmarillion