


Igreja Lusitana Católica Apostólica Evangélica


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主教座堂 聖保羅座堂意大利文Cattedrale di San Paolo (Lisbona)
首牧職銜 盧西塔尼亞教會主教
教區主教 Jorge Pina Cabral
教友人數 5,000
牧區數目 14
創設時間 1880年
語言 葡萄牙語
網址 盧西塔尼亞教會嘅官方網站


葡萄牙盧西塔尼亞大公使徒福音教會葡文Igreja Lusitana Católica Apostólica Evangélica),簡稱盧西塔尼亞教會葡文Igreja Lusitana),係普世聖公宗成員教會。[1]好似全部普世聖公宗教會,佢認坎特伯里大主教靈職領袖。此外,教會係大主教轄下嘅非教省教區。現任主教係Jorge Pina Cabral英文Jorge Pina Cabral



1880年成立盧西塔尼亞教會,當時堂會代表響新成立墨西哥差會主教亨利·萊利(英文H. C. Riley英文H. Chauncey Riley)主持議會上會面。議會制定咗憲章,並決定遵守普世聖公宗嘅教義同禮儀標準。1884年,創建咗葡萄牙語公禱書,其中包含盎格魯、羅馬同摩爾阿拉伯中文摩爾阿拉伯禮禮儀完素。由一開始,教會就由當時係愛爾蘭教會米斯主教(英文Church of Ireland Bishop of Meath英文Bishop of Meath)嘅普倫基特勳爵(英文Lord Plunket英文William Plunket, 4th Baron Plunket)主持主教委員會協助,多年之後,有一啲美國聖公會主教提供主教事工同牧民,特別係美國聖公會歐洲議會(英文Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe英文Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe)主理主教,直到1958年首位盧西塔尼亞主教祝聖。

根據波恩協定英文Bonn Agreement (religion)條款,盧西塔尼亞教會連埋聖公宗同舊公教嘅各個分支建立咗全面共融。1980年發生教會完全融入普世聖公宗,成為坎特伯里大主教管轄下非教省教區。









  1. 亨利·昌西·萊利(英文Henry Chauncey Riley英文H. Chauncey Riley)主教--(1880年)
  2. Joaquim Santos Figueiredo--(1922年)
  3. António Ferreira Fiandor主教--(1958年至1961年),首位被祝聖主教
  4. Luis Rodrigues Pereira主教--(1962年至1979年)
  5. Fernando da Luz Soares主教--(1980年至2013年)
  6. José Jorge de Pina Cabral主教--(2013年起)





  1. www.anglicancommunion.org
  2. Lusitanian Catholic Apostolic Evangelical Church membership
  3. Rowthorn, Jeffery. "Anglican Churches in Europe." Pages 439-442. IN: Hefling, Charles C., and Cynthia L. Shattuck.The Oxford Guide to the Book of Common Prayer: A Worldwide Survey. Page 440.
  4. World Council of Churches


  • Anglican Communion, and Church of England. The Iberian Churches. [London] [14 Great Peter St., SW1P 3NQ]: Anglican Consultative Council, 1980. Responsibility: report to the Archbishop of Canterbury by the commission appointed to consider the application by the Lusitanian Church and the Spanish Episcopal Church for full integration into the Anglican Communion.
  • Church of Ireland, and William Conyngham Plunket Plunket. The Irish Bishops and Church Reform in Spain and Portugal: A Record of the Action Taken by the Irish Episcopate at Their Meeting February 20, 1894. Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, 1894.
  • Colóquio comemorativo do centenário da Igreja do Torne. Vila Nova de Gaia de ha cem anos. Vila Nova de Gaia: Junta Paroquial de S.João Evangelista, 1995.
  • Iglesia Española Reformada Episcopal, and Colin Ogilvie Buchanan. Liturgies of the Spanish and Portuguese Reformed Episcopal Churches. Grove, 1985.
  • Igreja Lusitana Católica Apostólica Evangélica. Eucaristia ou Ceia do Senhor. [Pôrto]: [Imprensa Social], 1963.
  • Igreja Lusitana Católica Apostólica Evangélica. O livro de oração comum; administração dos sacramentos e outros ofícios divinos na Igreja Lusitana. Porto, Portugal: Tipo-Lito de Gonçalves & Nogueira, 1928.
  • Igreja Lusitana Católica Apostólica Evangélica. Lusitanian Church, Catholic Apostolic Evangelical: A Century of Portuguese Anglican Witness. Vila Nova de Gaia: [s.n.], 1985.
  • Igreja Lusitana Católica Apostólica Evangélica (Portugal). Ecclesia. Orgão Oficial Da Igreja Lusitana Católica Apostólica Evangélica. Ano 5. No. 24. Ano 6. No. 25/27. Nov. 1953, Jan/Maio 1954. 1953.
  • Irwin, O. A. C. Pilgrim Churches: The Spanish and Portuguese Reformed Episcopal Churches. [London, England]: [Houghton & Sons, Ltd.], 1956.
  • The Lusitanian Church Catholic, Apostolic, Evangelical: Is Episcopal, Essentially National, Truly Catholic and Apostolic, Really Independent of Rome or of Any Other Foreign Authority, and Only with These Features Indispensable to a Truly Evangelical, Independent and National Church Has She Any Right to Exist. Oporto: Mendonça Press, 1913.
  • Macdonald, John A. 2013. "Dioceses Extra-Provincial to Canterbury (Bermuda, the Lusitanian Church, the Reformed Episcopal Church of Spain, and Falkland Islands)". 464-473. IN: Markham, Ian S.; Provinces; Markham/The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to the Anglican Communion; The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to the Anglican Communion; 464-473; John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester, UK. Summary: This chapter describes three dioceses and one parish that are extra-provincial and come under the primatial authority of the Archbishop of Canterbury. The three dioceses are the Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church (Iglesia Espanola Reformada Episcopal), the Lusitanian Catholic Apostolic Evangelical Church of Portugal (Igreja Lusitana Catolica Apostolica Evangelica), and the Diocese of Bermuda. The Falkland Islands are considered a parish and receive Episcopal attention from a bishop commissary appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
  • Moreira, Eduardo. Esboço da história da Igreja Lusitana. [Portugal]: Edição do Sínodo da Igreja Lusitania Católica Apostólica Evangélica, 1949.
  • Plunket, William Conyngham Plunket, R. Stewart Clough, and Thomas Godfrey Pembroke Pope. The Divine Offices and Other Formularies of the Reformed Episcopal Churches of Spain and Portugal. London: S.W. Partridge, 1882.
  • Ribeiro, António Pinto. Catecismo de doutrina cristã: destinado à instrução religiosa dos alunos das escolas primárias da Igreja Lusitana Católica Apostólica Evangélica. [Porto]: Edição do Sínodo da Igreja Lusitania, 1949.
  • Ordem da eucaristia: segundo o rito da Igreja Lusitana: edição do Sínodo da Igreja Lusitana Católica Apostólica Evangélica. S.l: s.n.], 1969.

