


進化論(theory of evolution)引起咗宗教方面嘅熱議。喺廿一世紀初,唔同嘅宗教團體對於進化論嘅意見有相當大分歧:

  • 基督教羅馬天主教會(Roman Catholic Church)嘅官方觀點係「任何信徒都有權自由揀係咪相信對《創世紀》嘅字面解讀」:天主教徒有得揀相信上帝真係用咗六日創造所有嘢,又有得揀相信進化論同埋宇宙大爆炸等嘅科學理論;天主教會認為,上帝有用到進化嘅過程嚟創造人同埋各種生物嘅肉體,但無論人類係進化出嚟定係特殊噉創造,佢哋都係有特殊噉創造嘅靈魂,所以係特別嘅;一般嚟講,喺天主教學校入面,啲老師教進化論俾啲學生知係冇問題嘅[1][2]。而一般嚟講,喺天主教學校入面,老師教進化論俾啲學生知係冇問題嘅。
  • 新教(Protestantism)內部就有唔細嘅分歧:有啲比較原教旨主義嘅新教徒主張聖經入面寫嘅所有嘢都係歷史事實(雖然地質學宇宙學同埋考古學等多個領域嘅研究都唔撐呢個觀點,而且聖經有某啲描述自相矛盾),而進化論唔符合《創世紀》等聖經章節嘅字面內容,所以係唔真確嘅[3];雖然係噉,美國嘅新教徒組織美國科學聯系(American Scientific Affiliation)就提出咗進化創造(evolutionary creation)嘅觀點,認為上帝喺創造宇宙嗰陣,聰明噉設下咗一啲自然定律,再俾呢啲自然定律自己運行並且最後創造出地球生命,而進化嘅機制就係呢啲定律嘅一部份[4]。而且不論教派,有好多基督徒都認為好似係《創世紀》呢啲舊約聖經入面嘅內容應該當做先知受上帝啟發而寫出嚟嘅寓言型故仔,唔應該當係歷史噉嚟讀,所以對進化論持接受態度[5]。因為呢啲內部分歧,喺新教徒搞嘅學校或者係喺新教徒多嘅地區,老師教進化論有時會搞到部份新教徒家長不滿[6]
  • 喺基督教以外,有好多相信上帝存在嘅人都對進化論持接納嘅態度:例如係主張理神論(deism;一種信上帝但反宗教嘅觀點,認為上帝唔會直接介入宇宙嘅事務,所以唔會派先知嚟人世)嘅人士噉,佢哋唔接受聖經,更加唔會相信舊約聖經嘅內容係歷史,所以普遍都對進化論相當之受落,認為進化有效噉展示出上帝點樣「唔使直接插手落宇宙嗰度,都創造到人等嘅有智能生命」[7]



  1. Richard P. McBrien. The HarperCollins Encyclopædia of Catholicism. HarperCollins. "From this most primitive form of life, the divinely-guided process of evolution by natural selection brought about higher life forms."
  2. International Theological Commission (July 2004) Communion and Stewardship: Human Persons Created in the Image of God, plenary sessions held in Rome 2000–2002.
  3. Ross, Marcus R. (May 2005). "Who Believes What? Clearing up Confusion over Intelligent Design and Young-Earth Creationism". Journal of Geoscience Education. National Association of Geoscience Teachers. 53 (3): 319.
  4. Craig R, Ph.D. (1998). "Evolutionary Creation". American Scientific Affiliation. A theory of theistic evolution (TE) — also called evolutionary creation * — proposes that God's method of creation was to cleverly design a universe in which everything would naturally evolve. Usually the "evolution" in "theistic evolution" means Total Evolution — astronomical evolution (to form galaxies, solar systems,...) and geological evolution (to form the earth's geology) plus chemical evolution (to form the first life) and biological evolution (for the development of life) — but it can refer only to biological evolution.
  5. Glover, G. J. (2007). Beyond the Firmament: Understanding Science and the Theology of Creation. Chesapeake, VA: Watertree.
  6. Branch, Glenn (March 2007). "Understanding Creationism after Kitzmiller". BioScience. Oxford: Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Institute of Biological Sciences. 57 (3): 278–284.
  7. Does Evolution Demonstrate Purpose in Nature? 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期2021年2月28號,..