
姓名原文Ken Loach
出生日1936年6月17號 喺Wikidata改呢個 (87歲)
出生地Nuneaton 喺Wikidata改呢個
本名Kenneth Charles Loach
國籍英國 喺Wikidata改呢個
母語英文 喺Wikidata改呢個
識嘅語言英文 喺Wikidata改呢個
母校St Peter's College 喺Wikidata改呢個
職業電影導演編劇、television director 喺Wikidata改呢個
僱主英國廣播公司 喺Wikidata改呢個
政黨工黨 喺Wikidata改呢個
仔女Jim Loach 喺Wikidata改呢個

堅盧治gin1 lou4 zi6英文Ken Loach[1]1936年6月17號—)係英國獨立電影電視導演編劇,喺1962年出道。






1970到1980年代,因為發行、審查等因由,堅盧治嘅電影唔係咁成功。佢喺1971受慈善機構Save the Children Fund拍攝紀錄片,但機構唔滿意內容涉及肯雅「茅茅起義」、批判殖民主義,一度想銷毀底片,直至2011年9月,影片先有機會公開放映。[11][12]

1980年代,堅盧治將精力集中為電視台拍紀錄片。1980年代初,佢為英國第四頻道拍咗幾齣關於工會嘅紀錄片,如《領導的問題》,批評工會領袖,惹起工會領袖不滿,第四頻道最後抽起唔播。[13] 1980年代中期,佢替London Weekend TV藝術節目The South Bank Show英文The South Bank Show拍攝關於英美礦工歌謠,但節目最後被指內容政治觀點唔持平,唔適合藝術節目而被拒播放。紀錄片後來喺一個電影節贏得獎項,先有機會輾轉喺英國第四頻道播放。[14]

1987年,堅盧治導演嘅一齣舞台劇"Perdition英文Perdition (play)",原本安排喺倫敦Royal Court Theatre公演,但因為引起反猶太爭議,最後喺公演前夕劇團取消公演。[15] 1980年代尾段,佢為生計拍咗唔少電視廣告,客戶包括麥當勞快餐店。[16]

1989年,佢拍攝紀錄片《Time to go》,片中提出英軍需撤出北愛爾蘭[17]1990年,電影《秘密議程》故事以關心英國政府喺北愛爾蘭人權狀況嘅美國律師都柏林被殺事件開始,繼而揭露出七、八十年代英國高層政治運作的陰謀。影片矛頭直指英國當局對愛爾蘭共和軍實行格殺勿論政策漠視人權,以及美國秘密介入以保持英國保守黨執政地位。由於題材具爭議性,惹來英國國內猛烈抨擊,影片入圍康城影展,獲康城影展評審團獎,更畀保守黨國會議員指為「愛爾蘭共和軍(嘅電影)入圍康城」(an IRA entry at Cannes[18]




2004年,佢參與政黨「Respect-The Unity Coalition」[25],又代表佢哋參選2014年歐洲議會選舉。[26]2007年,哩嗰組織分裂之後,佢轉投由George Galloway帶頭嘅分支「Respect Renewal」。[27]後來,佢退出咗呢個組織。[28]


2012年倫敦議會選舉,堅盧治支持「Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition」。[31]2013年,政黨「Left Unity」成立,堅盧治喺發起人之一。[32]


2015年,佢支持郝爾彬競逐工黨黨魁。[34]2016年9月,佢發放由佢拍攝關於郝爾彬嘅紀錄片「In Conversation with Jeremy Corbyn」,當時正值工黨選舉黨魁。[35][36]2017年,佢重新加入工黨,[37]直至2021年夏天。[38]


2021年8月,堅盧治畀人逐出工黨。工黨指堅盧治加入組織「Labour Against the Witchhunt」[44][38][45][46][47]堅盧治否認加入工黨唔容許嘅組織。[48]



2007年,堅盧治加入文藝界聯署促請San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival停收以色列領事館嘅贊助,係一百個聯署人之一。[50]


2009年6月,堅盧治等人將原本送交墨爾本國際電影節放映嘅作品《尋找簡東拿》撤映,抗議以色利大使館作為電影節嘅贊助人。[55]電影節行政總裁Richard Moore形容呢個舉動猶如勒索。[56]2009年9月,堅盧治喺英國衛報,呼籲支持「Palestine Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel」。[57]



  • 1967 慾海紅蓮[58](Poor Cow)
  • 1969 凱斯 [59](Kes)
  • 1971 家庭生活[60](Family Life)
  • 1979 黑積克[61](Black Jack)
  • 1981 Look and Smiles
  • 1986 再見祖國[62] (Fatherland)
  • 1990 秘密議程[63] (Hidden Agenda)
  • 1991 踎地盤[64] (Riff-Raff)
  • 1993 頂硬上[65] (Raining Stones)
  • 1994 折翼母親[66] (Ladybird, Ladybird)
  • 1995 土地與自由[67] (Land and Freedom)
  • 1996 嘉拉之歌[68] (Carla's Song)
  • 1998 阿祖哂命[69] (My Name is Joe)
  • 2000 麵包與玫瑰[68] (Bread and Roses)
  • 2001 鐵路之歌[68](The Navigators)
  • 2002 雙失16歲[70] (Sweet Sixteen)
  • 2002 他們的九一一[71] (11'09"01 September 11)
  • 2004 錫錫又如何[72](Ae Fond Kiss...)
  • 2005 火車三段程[71](Tickets)
  • 2006 風吹麥動[73] (The Wind that Shakes the Barley)
  • 2007 假自由之名[74] (It's a Free World...)
  • 2009 尋找簡東拿[75] (Looking for Eric)
  • 2010 愛爾蘭路[76](Route Irish)
  • 2012 智取威士忌[77] (The Angel's Share)
  • 2014 翩翩愛自由[78] (Jimmy's Hall)
  • 2016 我,不低頭[79] (I, Daniel Blake)
  • 2019 對不起,錯過你[80] (Sorry, We Missed You)
  • 2023 讓我們酒在一起[81] (The Old Oak)


  • 1964 Catherine
  • 1964 Z-Cars
  • 1964 Diary of a Young Man
  • 1965 Tap on the Shoulder (週三劇場)
  • 1965 Wear a Very Big Hat (週三劇場)
  • 1965 Three Clear Sundays (週三劇場)
  • 1965 十字路口[61](Up the Junction) (週三劇場)
  • 1965 The End of Arthur's Marriage (週三劇場)
  • 1965 The Coming Out Party (週三劇場)
  • 1966 嘉芙回家[61](Cathy Come Home) (週三劇場)
  • 1967 In Two Minds (週三劇場)
  • 1968 The Golden Vision (週三劇場)
  • 1969 烈焰[61](The Big Flame) (週三劇場)
  • 1971 勞工大眾[61](The Rank and File)
  • 1971 After a Lifetime
  • 1973 A Misfortune
  • 1975 希望歲月[61](Days of Hope)
  • 1977 煤礦的代價[61](The Price of Coal)
  • 1980 The Gamekeeper
  • 1980 Auctions
  • 1980 A Question of Leadership
  • 1983 The Red and the Blue: Impressions of Two Political Conferences - Autumn 1982
  • 1983/4 領導的問題[61](Questions of Leadership)
  • 1985 請表明立場 (Which Side Are You On?)[82]
  • 1985 End of the Battle... Not the End of the War
  • 1989 Time to Go
  • 1989 The View From the Woodpile
  • 1991 The Arthur Legend
  • 1996 碼頭工人站起來 (The Flickering Flame)[83]
  • 1998 Another City: A Week in the Life of Bath's Football Club


  • 1971 The Save the Children Fund Film
  • 1989 Time to go
  • 1995 A Contemporary Case for Common Ownership
  • 1997 碼頭工人站起來 (The Flickering Flame)[83]
  • 2005 McLibel
  • 2013 The Spirit of '45


  1. "The BFI TV 100, 2: Cathy Come Home (The Wednesday Play)". 英國電影學會. 原著喺2011-01-08歸檔.
  2. "Ken Loach Biography (1936–)". Filmreference.com. 喺13 April 2013搵到.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Hattenstone, Simon (15 October 2016). "Ken Loach: 'If you're not angry, what kind of person are you?'". The Guardian. 喺27 May 2021搵到.
  4. Ken Loach at Sixteen Films 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期2017年9月10號,.. Retrieved 31 July 2016
  5. "RSC Performances". collections.shakespeare.org.uk. Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.
  6. "Ken Loach - Biography, Movies, & Facts". 喺8 September 2018搵到.
  7. "BFI Screenonline: Ken Loach: The Controversies". screenonline.org.uk.
  8. Interview – Ken Loach (KES, 1970), La Semaine de la critique.
  9. A selection of the favourite British films of the 20th century 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期14 May 2012.
  10. "Best 100 British films – full list". BBC.
  11. Stephen Bates "Ken Loach documentary to get first screening after 40 years", The Guardian, 20 July 2011
  12. Graham Fuller (編). Loach on Loach. pp. 66–67.
  13. Fuller, Graham (1998). Loach on Loach (Directors on Directors). London: Faber and Faber. p. 68. ISBN 978-0571179183.
  14. "BFI Screenonline: Which Side Are You On? (1984)". screenonline.org.uk.
  15. Abramson, Glenda (1998). Drama and Ideology in Modern Israel. Cambridge University Press. pp. 169–70. ISBN 9780521441599.
  16. Calhoun, Dave (September 2008). "Ken Loach interview". Time Out. London. 原著喺2019年7月6號歸檔. 喺27 September 2017搵到.
  17. "Time to Go". 喺8 September 2018搵到 –透過www.imdb.com.
  18. "Loach: I have my sleeves rolled up and I'm ready". The Guardian. 2006-05-17. 原著喺2009-07-07歸檔. 喺2010-04-27搵到.
  19. "Festival de Cannes: The Wind That Shakes the Barley". festival-cannes.com. 原著喺2011年8月22號歸檔. 喺13 December 2009搵到.
  20. Why does Ken Loach loathe his country so much?每日郵報,2006年5月30號
  21. Benjamin Lee (22 May 2016). "Cannes 2016: Ken Loach's I, Daniel Blake wins the Palme d'Or – live!". The Guardian.
  22. Raphael, Amy (20 September 2007). "The great crusader". New Statesman. 喺13 April 2018搵到.
  23. 23.0 23.1 Hattenstone, Simon (15 October 2016). "Ken Loach: 'If you're not angry, what kind of person are you?". The Guardian. 喺13 April 2018搵到.
  24. Riceburg, Jon (26 March 2014) [March 2014]. "Ken Loach: 'We're unstoppable'". Exberliner.第#125號. 喺13 April 2018搵到.
  25. Tempest, Matthew (23 January 2004). "Anti-war coalition looks to the future". The Guardian. 喺13 April 2018搵到.
  26. Chakelian, Anoosh (20 October 2016). "From Kes to benefit sanctions: Ken Loach on why he is still making films about inequality in Britain". New Statesman. 喺13 April 2018搵到.
  27. "Rival events for Respect factions". BBC News. 17 November 2007. 喺13 April 2018搵到.
  28. Shaheen, Salman (20 November 2013). "Ken Loach Discusses His Hopes for Left Unity". The Huffington Post.
  29. Owen, Paul; Davies, Caroline; Jones, Sam (7 December 2010). "Julian Assange refused bail over rape allegations". The Guardian. 喺11 April 2018搵到.
  30. "Julian Assange's backers lose £200,000 bail money". The Daily Telegraph. 4 September 2012. 原先內容歸檔喺12 January 2022. 喺11 April 2018搵到.
  31. "Film director Ken Loach is backing the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition in this May's London Assembly elections". Tusc.org.uk. 喺13 April 2013搵到.
  32. Berger, Luciana (12 April 2018). "Ken Loach's threats to Labour MPs who oppose antisemitism is damaging our party". The Times. London. 喺21 April 2018搵到. 需要畀錢訂閱
  33. Nick Clark (23 November 2012). "Director Ken Loach refuses Italian award after row over wage and staff cuts". The Independent. London. 喺13 April 2013搵到.
  34. Demianyk, Graem (5 August 2015). "Ken Loach Backs Jeremy Corbyn's Plan To Get 240,000 Homes Built Each Year". The Huffington Post. 喺15 July 2017搵到.
  35. Grierson, Jamie (19 September 2016). "Ken Loach makes promotional video for Jeremy Corbyn". The Guardian. 喺8 October 2016搵到.
  36. In Conversation with Jeremy Corbyn. Official Jeremy Corbyn YouTube Channel. 21 September 2016. Retrieved 8 October 2016.
  37. "Censorship battle and an antisemitic charge cause anger". The Guardian. 15 October 2017. 喺1 July 2018搵到.
  38. 38.0 38.1 Busby, Mattha (14 August 2021). "Director Ken Loach says he has been expelled from Labour". The Guardian. 喺14 August 2021搵到.
  39. Sagir, Ceren (29 September 2019). "Ken Loach: 'Mental health, schools, poverty, inequality and climate change are all bigger than Brexit'". The Morning Star. 喺15 October 2019搵到.
  40. Chakrabortty, Aditya (10 October 2019). "Ken Loach: 'The airwaves should be full of outrage'". The Guardian. 喺15 October 2019搵到.
  41. Thorpe, Vanessa (24 November 2019). "Celebrities turn out to support Labour's vision for the arts". The Guardian. 喺27 November 2019搵到.
  42. "Vote for hope and a decent future". The Guardian. 3 December 2019. 喺4 December 2019搵到.
  43. Proctor, Kate (3 December 2019). "Coogan and Klein lead cultural figures backing Corbyn and Labour". The Guardian. 喺4 December 2019搵到.
  44. Pogrund, Gabriel (14 August 2021). "I have been purged, Ken Loach insists after Labour expels him - News". The Sunday Times. 喺31 August 2021搵到.
  45. Culbertson, Alix (14 August 2021). "Ken Loach: Filmmaker kicked out of Labour Party 'for supporting expelled members'". Sky News. 喺31 August 2021搵到.
  46. Harpin, Lee; Walters, Louisa; Galbinski, Alex; Grant, Brigit (29 August 2021). "Welsh First Minister to speak at 'Trot jamboree' with Corbyn and Loach". Jewish News. 喺31 August 2021搵到.
  47. Lucy Skolding (19 July 2021). "Ken Loach and Bakers' Union president could be expelled from the Labour Party on Tuesday". Left Foot Forward: Leading the UK's progressive debate. 喺31 August 2021搵到.
  48. Busby, Mattha (19 August 2021). "Ken Loach: Keir Starmer Is Mr Bean Trying to Act Like Stalin". Jacobin. 喺12 September 2021搵到.
  49. "EU-wide rise in anti-Semitism described as 'understandable'" 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期31 March 2010., EU Politics News, 4 March 2009
  50. Matthew S. Bajko "Political Notebook: Queer activists reel over Israel, Frameline ties", Bay Area Reporter, 17 May 2007.
  51. "60 Years of Palestinian Dispossession ... No Reason to Celebrate 'Israel at 60'!", Mr Zine (Monthly Review Press) website, 17 May 2008.
  52. Wade, Mike (20 May 2009). "Edinburgh film festival bows to pressure from Ken Loach over Israeli boycott". The Times. 喺21 April 2018搵到. 需要畀錢訂閱
  53. Nissim, Mayer (20 May 2009). "Loach pressure sways Edinburgh festival". Digital Spy. 喺21 April 2018搵到.
  54. Ahmad, Muhammad. 'Enough is Enough', say Ken Loach and Ilan Pappe 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期2020年9月24號,., pulsemedia.org, 18 June 2009.
  55. Israeli funding angers filmmaker by Philippa Hawker, The Age. 18 July 2009.
  56. British director withdraws festival film, Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), 19 July 2009.
  57. Ken Loach; Rebecca O'Brien; Paul Laverty (1 September 2009). "Boycotts don't equal censorship". The Guardian. London. Loach made an earlier announcement in 2006, see Pinto, Goel (27 August 2006). "British director Ken Loach backs Palestinian call for boycott on Israel". Haaretz. 喺16 July 2017搵到.
  58. 關懷草根社會半世紀 堅盧治英國電影良心蘋果日報,2020年3月24號
  59. 續革命-堅盧治-HKIFF Cine Fan 電影節發燒友. 原著喺2020年2月3號歸檔. 喺2022年9月26號搵到.
  60. 他告訴我公理和正義的答案──堅盧治專訪
  61. 61.0 61.1 61.2 61.3 61.4 61.5 61.6 61.7 堅盧治電影抗爭人生@Movie Movie中文字幕
  62. 再見祖國 - HKIFF Cine Fan 電影節發燒友
  63. 秘密議程 - HKIFF Cine Fan 電影節發燒友
  64. 踎地盤 - HKIFF Cine Fan 電影節發燒友
  65. 頂硬上 - HKIFF Cine Fan 電影節發燒友
  66. 折翼母親 - HKIFF Cine Fan 電影節發燒友
  67. 土地與自由 - HKIFF Cine Fan 電影節發燒友
  68. 68.0 68.1 68.2 堅盧治作品隱喻政治大公報,2009年10月19號
  69. 《第廿三屆香港國際電影節節目表及訂票手冊》第15頁
  70. 電影通識-《雙失16歲》Sweet Sixteen, 2002香港教區視聽中心
  71. 71.0 71.1 Ken Loach 革命到80歲了,他還會繼續嗎?
  72. Fond Kiss…, Ae (錫錫又如何) [2004]
  73. 風吹麥動 - HKIFF Cine Fan 電影節發燒友
  74. 假自由之名@Movie Movie
  75. Looking for Eric | Cinespot 動映地帶. 原著喺2019年8月9號歸檔. 喺2022年9月26號搵到.
  76. 譚以諾:堅.盧治的「情節紀錄片」[失咗效嘅鏈]
  77. 智取威士忌@MOViE MOViE
  78. 我們繼續跳舞——堅盧治的左翼電影《翩翩愛自由》
  79. 我,不低頭-HKIFF Cine Fan 電影節發燒友
  80. 對不起,錯過你-HKIFF Cine Fan 電影節發燒友
  81. 《讓我們酒在一起》 - 第48屆(2023)香港國際電影節
  82. 第21屆(1997)香港國際電影節《節目表及訂票手冊》第57頁
  83. 83.0 83.1 第22屆(1998)香港國際電影節《節目表及訂票手冊》第66頁
