


國籍法 (英文Nationality law) 係一個認定佢嘅人民嘅法律,決定一個人點樣可以攞到或者失去國家嘅國籍[1]:66–67[2]:338[3]:73。有啲國家將呢個概念同國家嘅公民連上關係[4]:61, Part II[5]:1–2,但係到20世紀,兩個概念基本上都公認為分開處理。國籍法純粹代表一個人係屬於一個國家,未必一定係佢嘅公民[6]:1707–1708




  1. Boll, Alfred Michael (2007). Multiple Nationality And International Law. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. ISBN 978-90-04-14838-3.
  2. Honohan, Iseult; Rougier, Nathalie (October 2018). "Global Birthright Citizenship Laws: How Inclusive?". Netherlands International Law Review. The Hague, Netherlands: Springer Science+Business Media, T.M.C. Asser Press. 65 (3): 337–357. doi:10.1007/s40802-018-0115-8. ISSN 1741-6191. OCLC 1189243655. S2CID 149761560. 喺16 March 2021搵到.
  3. Guerry, Linda; Rundell, Ethan (2016). "Married Women's Nationality in the International Context (1918–1935)". Clio. Paris: Éditions Belin. 43 (1: Gender and the Citizen): 73–94. ISSN 2554-3822. JSTOR 26242543. OCLC 7788119453. 喺December 19, 2020搵到.
  4. Stevens, Doris (November 28, 1933). Report on the Nationality of Women (PDF). 7th Conference of American Republics, Montevideo, December 1933. Washington, D.C.: Inter-American Commission of Women –透過Alexander Street Press: Women and Social Movements.
  5. Sawyer, Caroline; Wray, Helena (December 2014). "Report on Citizenship Law: United Kingdom" (PDF). Badia Fiesolana: European University Institute. 原先內容歸檔 (PDF)喺28 May 2019. 喺16 March 2021搵到.
  6. Villazor, Rose Cuison (March 2017). "American Nationals and Interstitial Citizenship". Fordham Law Review. New York, New York: Fordham University School of Law. 85 (4): 1673–1724. ISSN 0015-704X. OCLC 8090930759. 原先內容歸檔喺March 22, 2020. 喺March 9, 2021搵到.
  7. Fransman, Laurie (2011). Fransman's British Nationality Law (第3版). Haywards Heath, West Sussex: Bloomsbury Professional. ISBN 978-1-84592-095-1.